Casio KX-101 Keyboard Synth Boombox

We apologize for the poor shot of this Casio KX-101, but pictures of this are hard to come by. Released in 1984, the KX-101 was one of two portable stereos that included a synthesizer keyboard. The other was also by Casio, released a year later (CK-200) and it featured nearly everything the KX-101 did, including shortwave. Here’s a photo from an advertisement showing the portable stereo-keyboard in action.

One thought on “Casio KX-101 Keyboard Synth Boombox

  1. I currently own one I bought a few years ago at a yard sale. Everything on it worked, but gradually, the tape player quit, and now the keyboard sounds pretty sketchy at best. I would like to know if there is a known repair shop to get this beauty back to its original condition…without putting me in the Poor House.

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